The latest Azure partner updates
A new AI model provides rules based on a combination of fuzzy logic and match codes
A selection of announcements from the Dynamics partner channel
Dynamics 365 ERP can help address business challenges like information collection, data insights, and distributing those insights
eCommerce fashion retailers have an immediate opportunity to take advantage of transitional trends
Advania's second strategic acquisition outside the Nordic region since its December acquisition of UK-based cloud specialist Content + Cloud
D365 Sale solution also integrates with D365 F&SCM solution for united view of rental business data
Preact intends to use Power App capabilities with the goal of supporting charities
Marketers must cater to these new digital demands to fill the pipeline and drive the bottom line
Learn from over 5,000 CRM implementations
The eCommerce industry has taken off and continues to grow
The insight and resource recommendations you need to improve your retention rates
Explore data from over 260 participants, benchmarking and comparing your marketing and sales strategy, progress and future plans.
Enterprise Bank decided it was time to replace an older CRM system
Real-time visibility and centralized data with the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Able to integrate existing Microsoft technology and move to the cloud