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Write for

Write for accepts story ideas from outside writers for the site and its related newsletters. We welcome new contributors and encourage participation from our readership. Please review our guidelines for contribution.

Contributing to our site is a great way to demonstrate your expertise in front of thousands of Microsoft Dynamics customers, partners, and consultants. If we accept your story idea, you will have the opportunity to work with professional editors and contribute to the leading independent Microsoft Dynamics online publication.

If you are interested in contributing on a one-time or regular basis, here are some guidelines:

  1. Send story ideas directly to Jason Gumpert, Editor (, in Word format – no pdf files, please.
  2. Articles should be original to the author and should not have been previously published elsewhere.
  3. Authors may post a bio on our site, which is displayed at the end of each article. The bio may include any information about your own blog, company web site, etc., including any hyperlinks.
  4. Articles are generally in the range of 600-800 words, but we do not set hard limits.
  5. Articles should offer readers clear advice, expert perspective, or take-aways about specific issues, practices, industries, user experiences, or software capabilities.
  6. Articles cannot include keyword links. All links must reference an informational and non-promotional source.
  7. We do not publish press releases as articles. To post press releases about your business, contact Adam Berezin (
  8. Do not submit articles about businesses or companies in which you have a vested interest, unless you disclose as much to the audience.
  9. Copyright is retained by the writer. may, however, reprint your piece, with full attribution, in companion products and marketing materials.

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