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Dynamics 365 news & resources

by Jason Gumpert
Kuvana founders Rhett Thompson and Chad Ruff shift focus from large scale marketing automation to individual sales engagement
by Guus Krabbenborg
How will your ERP software vendor respond to the cloud breakthrough as it relates to the future of your current systems? 
by Jason Gumpert
Two Dynamics GP MVPs – er, that’s Business Solution MVPs – weigh in on the changing MVP program, Project Madeira, MPN cloud competencies and more.
by Linda Rosencrance
Is Madeira the second coming of the go-nowhere Project Green? Or a gateway for Dynamics NAV and Dynamics GP up-sales?
by Angela Grom
Having spent more time than ever before dealing with customer service departments, the author reflects on why companies fail to deliver a satisfactory experience and how CRM ...


WebSan Solutions
Discover how the EasyPost Services Connector streamlines shipping operations, reduces costs, and enhances efficiency for Dynamics 365 users
Connecting Software
How can you use Power Automate to integrate an on-premises software that is not compatible with its On-premises Data Gateway?
This whitepaper explores five considerations to keep in mind when selecting a reporting solution to replace Management Reporter.