How to enable, configure, and create your first Subcontract for a vendor
Jonathan Stypula of Dynamic Consulting to become president of Americas unit
Across the product line, subject matter experts educated our readers on the latest features and emerging technology from the Microsoft cloud
How Microsoft (mostly) resolved a small but serious usability issue
A step-by-step process to scale settings for non-working hours across your resources
proMX created a ne proxy tool to solve server-to-server credentials issues related to the Project for Web licensing
How API access has changed from D365 PSA to Project Operations and why
The new schedule board, or URS board, in D365 Project Operations is much more powerful than earlier versions.
New team of legal industry and Microsoft channel veterans will lead efforts in the Americas.
Announcement of the sale of US-based assets to HSO created confusion among employees, partners, and clients, says.
The eCommerce industry has taken off and continues to grow
Starting a new relationship with vendors can be complicated without a streamlined process