Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 to arrive in Q4, emphasizing sales and marketing unity, expanded locales
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 will be released in the fourth quarter of 2014. In a press release and a blog post by Dynamics CRM corporate vice president Bob Stutz, the company confirmed the release timing and emphasized progress in building an integrated solution with Dynamics Marketing and Dynamics CRM.
Stutz wrote that he believes the integrated cloud story differentiates the product line from competitors who "want to separate businesses by selling them countless different clouds and solutions."

Microsoft appears to have made good on a collaborative sales and marketing capability they talked up at WPC 2014 in July - the ability to give sales reps the ability to influence which clients and prospects receive specific marketing campaigns. This capability will be enabled through the "Sales Collaboration Panel, which allows sellers to provide input into campaigns and targeting," according to the release. Sellers can gain visibility into the campaign activities and can control communications targeting their customers as well as setup and receive alerts based on their interactions.
Microsoft Dynamics ...
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