CaféX launches Live Assist for Microsoft Dynamics 365

CaféX Communications has launched the public preview of Live Assist for Microsoft Dynamics 365, a personalized customer assistance service for sales and service agents.
The preview is now available in North America and EMEA, with plans for other regions soon. Live Assist for Dynamics 365 is the result of a co-development effort between Microsoft and CaféX to bring the technology to Azure, integrate it with Dynamics 365 Enterprise sales and service apps, and support deployment with Office 365 to support single sign on by Dynamics users.
CaféX and Microsoft first announced their OEM agreement in October 2016 and had been working on it for months before that. The solution gives Microsoft a support and service tool for Dynamics 365 that reaches customers in their native browsing environment, whether web or mobile, and allows agents to work from a single support environment to provide voice, video, and chat.
For agents, CaféX Live Assist is available to agents from both the Dynamics 365 web interface and the Unified Service Desk. The solution also supports the creation of contextual engagement campaigns to cue agents on related sales and promotions.
The effort to bring this OEM relationship to a production launch has involved nearly a year of effort with close work between the teams. It has required daily communication, especially in R&D, says CaféX director of marketing Sajeel Hussain. That cooperation extended to QA, customer support, ...
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