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4 recommendations for a successful Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM user adoption strategy

by Sam Kumar
VP | Dynamics 365 | Power Platform, Inogic

Since ancient times we have used a variety of tools to enhance our individual capabilities. The gadgets that we have surrounded ourselves with, from a mere spoon to the latest model Mac or iPhone, enhances the quality of our life.  But what happens if you don’t know how to use any of these tools? They become a lump in your hands.

The same is the case with business software. An advanced system like Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps you use to interact and do business with your customers. But if you don’t know how to use it, it will be just a bunch of code taking up space in your PC and depleting your financial resources. Like any tool, until you get used to it you cannot utilize it to its fullest extent.

Dynamics 365 CRM apps have become an integral part of many organizations for managing customer relationships. As you might expect, there are manuals and videos for guidance, but the time and effort it takes users to adopt this amazing application tends to vary from individual to individual. Therefore, it is hard to monitor, review, and determine how each individual has adapted to the system. But it is also mandatory for future business prospects to ensure the organization's users have fully adopted the application. Since manually monitoring each individual is out of question, the only way ahead is automation.

Here are some points to consider while looking for an effective application to monitor Dynamics 365 CRM user adoption.

Periodic tracking of user actions in CRM

To determine the adaptability of CRM users, it becomes necessary to monitor various operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete, Win, QualifyLead, etc.) over a period of time. Daily, weekly, or monthly monitoring of these actions or operations will give an overall insight into how well users are adapting to CRM in their daily work life. In the initial stages, you can track these actions daily and then gradually move on weekly and then monthly tracking. So, look for an app which enables periodic tracking of user actions.

Seamless monitoring of user activities

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About Sam Kumar

Inogic is one the leading Microsoft Gold ISV Partners with an exclusive focus on providing innovative apps and development services on Dynamics 365 CRM/Power Platform. Its flagship Dynamics 365 CRM maps integration app Maplytics™, a 5-star rated Preferred App on Microsoft AppSource, is changing the way locational intelligence is leveraged with features like Radius Search, Territory Management, Route Optimization, Auto-scheduling, et al.

Inogic is renowned for its 15+ Microsoft Preferred Co-sell ready Productivity Apps on Microsoft AppSource. From the latest WhatsApp Business integration with Dynamics 365 CRM, Document Management in Dynamics 365 CRM/CE with Attach2Dynamics and SharePoint Security Sync, Sales enablement using Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation, Alerts4Dynamics, and Business Process Checklist, improving productivity with Click2Clone, Click2Export, and Undo2Restore, user adoption and motivation with User Adoption Monitor and Gamifics365, popular Visualization Apps Kanban Board, Map My Relationships and Integrations like MailChimp Integration, Subscription & Recurring Billing Management, to QuickBooks ...

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