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Microsoft Dynamics News

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by Eamon McCarthy Earls

Ahead of the Hannover Messe convention in Germany, Microsoft highlights new Azure partnerships and capabilities

by Eamon McCarthy Earls

Maana, a digital modeling company, is integrating its Knowledge Platform with Azure in a bid to help decision makers in oil and gas and other industries

by Eamon McCarthy Earls

Microsoft's platform support will offer a broader range of network connected scenarios, says Kaleido blockchain maker.

by Hannes Holst

With Customer Insights, Microsoft is adding a new member to Dynamics 365 family--take a look behind Microsoft's marketing and find out what this latest addition will offer...

by Heidi Tucker

Ignoring CRM data cleanliness has a negative and very costly impact on your sales and marketing efforts

by Harald Horgen

SIs and service companies see a growing list of reasons to build repeatable IP