TMG's expertise in manufacturing and complex industrial environments boosts Microsoft's industry profile
Wayve chooses Azure for autonomous driving
A selection of announcements from the Dynamics partner channel
For supply chain industries, a fusion of blockchain and IoT with Azure can help improve product quality throughout the delivery process
Microsoft offers a growing range of tools and cloud services to support blockchain-supported IoT scenarios for retail, manufacturing, and beyond.
The latest insights from the world of Microsoft Azure
A selection of the latest insights from the world of Microsoft Azure
Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations adds to for both inbound and outbound capabilities to a module first released in Dynamics AX 2012 R3.
Shopping trends are evolving, is your supply chain ready?
Deploying an ERP platform or moving from one platform to another is one of the biggest projects an IT department can undertake
The eCommerce industry has taken off and continues to grow
Signature HealthCARE streamlined accounting and enabled their team to shift from over 55 databases to just one
MB2 Dental needed a way to process thousands of monthly invoices across 250 locations without adding additional overhead