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Microsoft Dynamics Marketing has evolved past its MarketingPilot origins, CRM exec says

by Valerie Miller
Contributing Writer, MSDW

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Director of Product Marketing Angela Bandlow says there is a lot to be excited about in the realm of Customer Relationship Management. She points to the fact that the world of Dynamics CRM has firmly extended itself to social listening, marketing, and customer service, and a new wave of releases set to arrive before the end of the year will extend many of those capabilities.

"We certainly have a lot more innovation in the market than we've ever had before. If you think about it, we moved from an on-premise release every two years, to now [doing] releases every six months onlin for CRM and the other services," Bandlow continues. "So, one, we are innovating to a more rapid pace. Two, we have a much bigger footprint of CRM capabilities."

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is set to continue churning out updates at a high rate further into 2015. The just-concluded eXtremeCRM 2014, which was held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, was abuzz with talk of what's next in the world of Dynamics.

"We are looking at CRM across the footprint of marketing, sales, service, and social," said Bandlow in a new interview.  [Years ago, we started with [basically] just sales [operations]. Now, we  have built that out both organically and inorganically [through] multiple acquisitions."

A lot talk at eXtremeCRM this year revolved around Microsoft Dynamics Marketing, the marketing automation and management offering that is being more closely connected to Dynamics CRM. MarketingPilot, the product acquired in 2012, was geared more toward large businesses. But Bandlow says that Dynamics Marketing has the capability to serve large, medium, ...

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About Valerie Miller

Valerie Miller is an award-winning Las Vegas-based journalist who can be reached at (702) 683-3986 or

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