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Security news & resources

by Mark Polino
As Dynamics GP expands its reach, security can become a burden. Here are some ways Microsoft can help untangle it.
by Linda Rosencrance
The solution is optimized for rapid deployment to companies operating in a multi-entity, multi-currency, multi-taxation and/or multi-language environment
by Linda Rosencrance
One GP user discovers that a shocking number of his peers have no tools in place to track changes in GP
by Greg Pierce
How to improve your organization's ability to prevent, detect, and more quickly remediate enterprise software threats.
by Jason Gumpert
The former AXUG Program Director has seen 13 years of AX, including changes to the size of customers and the reach of the product inside organizations


Fastpath, now part of Delinea
Discover some of the most common security-related mistakes companies make when upgrading or implementing Dynamics 365

Discover the most common causes of Dynamics 365 data loss and the options businesses have to recover lost or corrupted data

Arctic IT
Learn how the Gaming Commission worked with Arctic IT to migrate from the Microsoft Azure Commercial Cloud to the GCC and create security policies for their tenant.
Fastpath, now part of Delinea
A leader in ultra high-pressure (UHP) waterjet technology seeks a better performing SOX compliance solution that would work easily Microsoft Dynamics AX