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Improve sales in Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Machine Learning

How can an organisation optimise its sales channels and product targeting by building a 360-degree view of its customers in Microsoft Dynamics 365? The answer, and topic of this recorded webcast, is with the help of Azure IoT and Machine Learning services!

The use case described is the identification of common patterns of actions by consumers, classification based on criteria like age, gender, location, etc., and promotion of best-fit products and services. To achieve this objective, wearable and mobile devices are used and connected to the Azure IoT Hub for collecting information about location, commuting patterns and weather condition. All this information is then scored and evaluated in Azure Machine Learning to predict the best matching products and services. Data about sales conversion and customer loyalty is also captured and analysed with a Machine Learning service.

This session, presented by Microsoft MVP and Regional Director Stefano Tempesta, focuses on presenting all the technologies used to build the discussed use case and how to integrate them in an end-to-end fully functional solution.

Download the slides here.

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