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10 Dangers to Avoid in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training: Core Team Training

This video is the first in a multi-part series created by Elif Item. The series includes:

Danger: One of the dangers in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management training is not providing in-depth training to core team members before and during design phase. Design phase is the beginning of the implementation, and the core team members attend many design sessions relevant to their functional area. If they don’t understand standard D365 functionality in depth, it will be a challenge for them to actively participate in design and extension discussions and potentially make decisions that will require rework.

How to avoid: Avoid this danger by utilizing the time at the beginning of the project. There is always some time as project planning is going on and the active work for core team members has not started. Use that time to train your core team members. And make sure that the training materials used are made available to the learners during the design phase.

You can accomplish this by using online training or hiring instructors. Online training would probably a better option since learners can use this time effectively and same materials can still be available during design. Since what learners need is standard D365 training, this would also be a more cost-effective option.