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Dynamics 365 White Papers


Learn five ways to speed up pesky, monotonous functions from Nathan Clouse, Microsoft Business Applications MVP and enVista Technical Architect


Learn the differences between the Basic and Advanced Warehousing configurations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365), high-level configuration details, the pros and cons...


Why Microsoft has shifted its direction for financial and operational reporting in D365 F&SCM and what alternatives are available to businesses planning to upgra...


As cloud technology allows reporting cycles to shrink, businesses using data lakes also need a way to extract and analyze their data in real time

Binary Stream

This booklet explores the pros and cons of each, with a focus on the benefits of streamlining operations and avoiding redundancy through centralization


Everything there is to know about document automation software in the context of banking

Dynamics eShop

In the dynamic world of retail and commerce, businesses are increasingly embracing mobile technology to enhance their operations and deliver s...

Dynamics eShop

 A B2C (Business-to-Consumer) Customer Portal serves as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to engage with their customers, streamline sales and support pr...

Dynamics eShop

The B2B (Business-to-Business) customer portal is a powerful digital solution designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of B2B eCommerce transactions