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Microsoft's plan to capitalize on Dynamics for Retail's five year vision

by David Gumpert
Editor at Large, MSDW

A solution to the security problems plaguing large retailers will more likely come from Microsoft than from Apple or Android, predicted Michael Griffiths, Global Industry Director, Retail for Dynamics AX.

Speaking at Convergence 2014, Griffiths told an audience today that Microsoft is investing more in R&D than other competitors in the space, which is a key factor in its success.

"iOS is more for Angry Birds than for enterprise," he quipped. "iOS has never been a player in enterprise and never will be....Android is 75% open source....Windows will win the enterprise."

Part of Microsoft's advantage lies in the fact that, "we ourselves are a retailer. We have a unique perspective, investment, capability." The Dynamics AX and related retailer tools "are being used in our stores to compete with Apple in a contentious battle."

Microsoft is also extending Dynamics AX for Retail via "Retail Essentials", enabling retail solutions to be taken "further down market" to smaller companies. Lessons from the growing number of retailers using Dynamics AX tools are being applied to upgrading and improving the tools for new retailers who are coming on board.

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail provides "end to end innovation," said Griffiths. This stems from a five-year-old vision that Griffiths said Microsoft "has fully delivered on." It provides for linking all aspects of retailing-web, kiosk, catalog, stores, mobile, supply chain, warehouse management, financials, supply chain integration, supply chain visibility, and social media.

"We have a holistic view of how to engage the customer."

Microsoft continues to benefit from running its own retail stores. "We work very closely with them," said Ashvin Mathew, an AX general manager, noting that the AX Retail team has worked with them to develop the ...

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