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Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM roadmaps power up to faster release cadence

by Jason Gumpert

Microsoft Dynamics R&D has reshaped itself to deliver software updates on a semi-annual cadence for ERP and as often as quarterly for CRM. Today, as Convergence 2014 kicked off Microsoft revealed that Dynamics AX 2012 R3 is planned for release on May 1, and with it a growing list of new specialized apps. 

"The public cloud is changing everything we're doing in engineering," Mike Ehrenberg told partners at a pre-Convergence event on Monday. "In the good old days [the cadence] was 3 years. Now we're putting [software] out every 3 months, and with [AX] Lifecycle Services, it is monthly."

Overall growth for the Dynamics business was 10% in 2013, but MBS executive vice president Kirill Tatarinov noted that Microsoft sees "phenomenal growth in AX licenses", which is one of the most interesting forward indicators.  In North America, AX is seeing 30% license growth in the last 6 months, and Tatarinov says this is a clear trend, not a blip.

"We're expecting to see hockey stick growth based on the revolutionary technology delivered in AX 2012 that was hardened, perfected in R2 and now R3," he said after today's keynote.

Microsoft Dynamics Roadmap 

Through the rest of calendar year 2014, Microsoft plans to ship seven separate functional releases for Dynamics CRM that will be grouped into three seasonal releases.  Three will arrive in the second quarter, known as the Spring release.  One in the third quarter, and three more will arrive in the fourth quarter of 2014. The Spring releases serve specific functional areas around Microsoft Dynamics Marketing (the "Mira" release), Microsoft Social Listening ("Subra"), and "Leo" for core Dynamics CRM customer service capabilities. Those will be followed in the fourth quarter by ...

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About Jason Gumpert

As the editor of, Jason oversees all editorial content on the site and at our events, as well as providing site management and strategy. He can be reached at

Prior to co-founding, Jason was a Principal Software Consultant at Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), where he implemented solutions, trained customers, managed software development, and spent some time in the pre-sales engineering organization. He has also held consulting positions at CSC Consulting and Monitor Group.

More about Jason Gumpert