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InsideView launches integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 relationship assistant

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

InsideView has announced an integration between its Targeting Intelligence platform and Microsoft's "embedded intelligence" relationship assistant for Dynamics 365 for Sales.

The newly integrated product, Insights, powered by InsideView will be added to a version of InsideView Sales that is already embedded in Dynamics 365. InsideView claims it is the first partner to offer third-party software integrated with relationship assistant.

As Microsoft explains, relationship assistant is part of the embedded intelligence suite of Dynamics 365 features:

The assistant keeps an eye on your daily actions and communications, and generates a collection of action cards that are displayed prominently throughout the application to provide tailored, actionable insights. The assistant reminds you of upcoming activities; it evaluates your communications and suggests when it might be time to reach out to a contact that's been inactive for a while; it identifies email messages that may be waiting for a reply from you; it alerts you when an opportunity is nearing its close date; and much more.

InsideView's integration with relationship assistant creates action cards within Dynamics 365 to surface news about acquisitions when a seller is researching an account, enabling the seller to take swift action before the competition. They plan to add more action cards for contact and opportunity records with information including employment changes, proposed new contacts, re-engaging on Closed Lost opportunities, and competitors.

Insights also includes two additional new features. Discovery Center Contact Search is aimed at helping sales teams to search the InsideView's database for new contacts to add directly into their CRM. ...

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