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Five Ingredients for a Successful Convergence Atlanta 2011 Experience

by Mariano Gomez
Chief Technology Officer, Mekorma

I have to confess... this will be my second Convergence experience as a presenter, and despite the excitement of being a part of such a large event there are always those little unknowns that make me nervous.  However, one advantage I may have over a good number of you is the fact that I am an Atlanta local (well, been living here for over 3 years) and can find myself a place to relax and have some great food after a long day of running around at the Convention Center.

After all, Convergence is more than just the sum of its keynotes and sessions.  It is a major event for the entire Microsoft Dynamics community, and the value you get out of it is based on the right attitude, good planning, and community awareness as much as it is related to which sessions you reach on time.   So, I thought "if I were considering going to Convergence, traveling from another city or country, what would I want to know in order to have a successful experience as a participant?"

Here is my recipe for success:

  1. Register Early: early registration has the benefit of saving your organization some serious money. It can also open up the possibility of sending more than one individual at a time. In addition, if you book your airline tickets and hotel reservations well in advance you can save some serious travel and lodging expenses or even negotiate better rates. Hey, you may even be able to splurge on some fine dining in the hundreds of restaurants around mid-town and downtown Atlanta area.

    Register now for Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2011....

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About Mariano Gomez
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