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Azure Insights: Resetting VM passwords; Service Bus Queue; IP address ranges; Webhooks and Container Registry

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

Microsoft Azure pros share their insights on resetting Azure VM passwords, working with queues in Service Bus, Stack Hub IP address ranges and how to approach webhooks with Container Registry.

Resetting Azure VM passwords

Microsoft senior cloud advocate Thomas Maurer explained how to reset Remote Desktop Services to access Azure VMs. The VMAccess lets admins reset the RDP configuration or alter the Azure VM password, using PowerShell or Azure portal. Maurer offered a screenshot of going through the Azure portal and using the Reset Password wizard, although he cautioned that this isn't supported by Active Directory Domain Controllers. This approach is most useful if users have completely lost access to their VM.

On the other hand, if RDP still works, it's often easier to enable it in the VM and set a firewall wall rule for RDP port 3389. Maurer shared a selection of commands to use in PowerShell as a way to get to a resolution.

Making sense of the Service Bus Queue

Priya Latha, writing on the Serverless360 blog looked into queues in Azure Service Bus. Primary queues (also known as active or main queues) have a producer and consumer, holding messages until they are polled by the consumer or end up in a dead-letter queue. On the other hand, the service also offers dead-letter queues, often abbreviated DLQ. Unlike other queues, only the parent-entity's dead-letter operation can make submissions, with support for peek-look and transactional operations. According to Latha, DLQ is the safest way to use Service Bus, ensuring some destination if messages aren't taken up by the consumer.

Typically, failed delivery will result in a message going to DLQ, with new DeadLetterReason and DeadLetterErrorDescription properties added. Latha explained a few scenarios such as exceeding header size limits, exceeding time to go-live or session ID problems that can be the upstream cause of rerouting to DLQ.

Private IP address range reqs

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