If you can implement a Dungeons and Dragons company within Dynamics 365 F&SCM, you can implement anything

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Growing up, my granny used to say something to me that always stuck: 'If you can implement a Dungeons and Dragons company within Dynamics 365, you can implement anything.' At the time, I didn’t fully grasp how this whimsical statement could capture both creativity and practical problem-solving. But today, we’re going to explore just that!
In this session, we’ll embark on a journey together—one where the boundaries between imagination and business processes blur. We’ll be setting up a completely fictional Dungeons and Dragons company within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management, showing you just how flexible and customizable the platform can be. Whether you’re a seasoned consultant, a tech enthusiast, or just a fan of a bit of fantasy, you’re in for a fun and enlightening experience.
Presenter: Murray Fife, Senior Innovation Architect, Fife Consulting Services, LLC