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Partners Lead Microsoft in xRM Maturity, But Benefit from New xRM Identity

by Linda Rosencrance
Contributing Writer, MSDW

As Microsoft Corp. pushes out its xRM message--Dynamics CRM as a development platform--and partners and customers buy in to the idea, some in the Dynamics ecosystem look on knowingly.  

Microsoft partners like Customer EffectiveInfoStrat, and ADXSTUDIO have been out in front of the xRM story for a number of months, or even years, and a number of Dynamics CRM releases. And as the market grows, a variety of pre-packaged xRM products are beginning to appear in the marketplace.  

One such release was announced last month by ADXSTUDIO with its xRM Extensions v2.1, which includes a complete web content management system for Dynamics CRM. ADXSTUDIO, a Microsoft partner, says its xRM-Dynamics CRM content management system "is based on 10 years of CMS product experience." The company offers a free trial with a number of website accelerators, including for user groups, customer service, and conference management.


"Although this is a new messaging from Microsoft, we've been doing xRM projects for the last five years," sats Mike Rogers. Director of Business Development, Customer Effective Inc. in Greenville, South Carolina. "Our first xRM project was with [Dynamics CRM] version 1.2, but it's just recently that Microsoft has created a market awareness of this." 

Customer Effective also sells its own pre-built XRM solution for financial services professionals, Capital Effective.  

To explain to companies what Dynamics CRM can do, Rogers said his team sometimes hands out cans of Play Doh to ...

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About Linda Rosencrance

Linda Rosencrance is a freelance writer/editor in the Boston area. Rosencrance has over 25 years experience as an reporter/investigative reporter, writing for many newspapers in the metropolitan Boston area. Rosencrance has been writing about information technology for the past 16 years.

She has covered a variety of IT subjects, including Microsoft Dynamics, mobile security issues such as data loss prevention, network management, secure mobile app development, privacy, cloud computing, BI, big data, analytics, HR, CRM, ERP, and enterprise IT.

Rosencrance is the author of six true crime books for Kensington Publishing Corp.