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Microsoft Dynamics Webcasts, October 30-November 3, 2017: CSP alliance; B2B social media marketing

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

Here's what's happening on this week's live webcast schedule. Register to attend live or get access to the recorded event.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Microsoft's CSP Program: The Why, What, and How for Dynamics Partners 12:00 PM EDT Register

Scott MayJoseph Longo

Microsoft has made it crystal clear that the CSP program is the acquisition vehicle of choice for partners. What's not clear to Dynamics partners are the details around the program, options for participating, and a roadmap for how to make the transition to what Microsoft is calling "the modern partner." 

Join SBS Group COO Joseph Longo and Stratos Cloud Alliance Director of Channel Programs Scott May to learn:

  • Why - Why you need to move to a CSP model - sooner rather than later.
  • What - An Overview of the CSP program and options for Dynamics partners.
  • How - How you can smoothly transition to a CSP model with the Stratos Cloud Alliance.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Understanding B2B Social Media Marketing for Dynamics 365/CRM 12:00 PM EDT

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