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Dynamics CRM, Azure's Text Analytics Reveal Customers' Hidden Sentiments

by Valerie Miller
Contributing Writer, MSDW

Do you ever wish that your company could measure your customers' real feelings when they wrote you about your product - maybe even before it reaches a member of your team? Was their experience so good, or so bad, that it will impact whether you will lose them as a customer?

That technology is available now in the form of sentiment analysis, and one way to apply it in a business is to use Azure Text Analytics in combination with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Lucas Alexander, a CRM technical architect at Tribridge, recently discussed the possibilities of applying this technology in a webinar for readers.

Sentiment analysis can score how "happy" or "unhappy" authors are when they write to someone. Translated to the seller/consumer realm, this means that the seller can actually measure the mood - and to some extent the emotions - of the customer.

Sentiment analysis is another step in the increasing sophistication in artificial intelligence, this time applied to the Dynamics CRM space via Azure.

Applied sentiment analysis

Alexander defined Azure Machine Learning and the Azure Machine Learning Text Analytics API, and how each could be used in sentiment analysis.

"Big Data" was a starting point to why Azure Machine Learning is so important to CRM users, Alexander first explained. While everyone throws around buzz words like "the cloud" and "big data," fewer people understand what they are, and how to use them.

"Everyone else is doing something with Big do I get into it?" he asked. "I think it is very hard for a lot of people to understand exactly what ...

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About Valerie Miller

Valerie Miller is an award-winning Las Vegas-based journalist who can be reached at (702) 683-3986 or

More about Valerie Miller