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Charting Your ERP Roadmap: Helping Microsoft Dynamics AX Customers Plan the Right Project

by Mohamed Aamer
Escalation Engineer, Microsoft,

Organizations that intend to implement Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP seek a variety of common benefits from the business application, but in most of the implementation projects I have engaged in there was no clearly defined benefits list that the company management agreed on and no roadmap that leads them to achieving those benefits. 

In a new Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation road map series, I will look at the essential activities involved in assessing and adapting ERP software to business requirements. We'll start by examining planning and analysis, then move to execution challenges of going live, and its best practices (I've already covered some detail of deployment in Best Practices for Deploying Microsoft Dynamics AX Opening Balances), then on to post go-live, operations stabilization, and monthly closing, in addition to reporting, and decision support (BI solutions).

Planning a Dynamics AX project

Companies that have decided to get into an ERP implementation project should be working together with a consulting partner specialized in Microsoft Dynamics AX implementations. The customer and partner should clearly define the objectives of the ERP solution as early as possible in the Diagnostic phase. Samples of ERP implementation objectives are:

  • Business Process
    • Business process automation
    • Streamline business process in cross functions operations
    • Unified business process across holding and subsidiaries
    • Single point of contact for reducing the redundant data within departments
  • Controlling
    • Segregation of duties, and data access privilege
    • Advance workflow and approval matrix ceiling
    • Tracking the actual costs against budgeted
    • Inventory tracking, and cost control

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About Mohamed Aamer
Mohamed has been working since 2004 as a Business Applications Consultant. His main focus is customizing business applications to fit customer needs. He spends time understanding the customer business cycles, and solves the customer business pains through a combination of business process re-engineering and application customization. When not working on complex business processes, Mohamed blogs on Microsoft Dynamics AX, plays soccer and attends live Sufi shows.
More about Mohamed Aamer