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Azure Insights: Presidio data anonymization; Service Bus issues; Outbound static IP for App Services

by MSCN Reporter
Staff Writer,

Azure pros discuss Presidio for data anonymization, tracking Service Bus issues, and setting up outbound static IPs for App Services.

Using Presidio to anonymize data

Karim Vaes explained that the Presidio SDK can be used for customizable data protection and to anonymize text and images. An NLP trained model can analyze sensitive data and then filter it out or mask it. He wrote:

We had an App Service plan with two webapps running on top of it. One was running the analyzer and the other one the anonymizer. Both were deployed as container images with the HTTP endpoint internally exposed to App Service. Given that the entire process is a double stepped workflow, we leveraged Logic Apps as the orchestrator for this job. Where it would serve as an HTTP(S) endpoint to the outside world and return the results from the anonymizer. Making the consumer agnostic of the workflow needed to make things works. The consumer would “just” send their data to be anonymized, and would get the anonymized results back.

 From a workflow standpoint, users can anonymize data with Presidio before the data is stored or before making it accessible to consume. Compared with many other data anonymization tools, Vaes wrote that Presidio is relatively simple to use and users can “infuse” it into an app.

Keeping track of Service Bus issues

Ezhilarasi Chezhiyan, writing on the Serverless360 blog, shared how Azure Service Bus can be used for asynchronous message passing, loosely coupled components, delegating failures, or improving reliability. However, users still need to carefully monitor Service Bus for dead letters, message stagnation, server or user errors, and overly large queues. She wrote:

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