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Top Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement articles of 2019

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

In 2019, Microsoft charted a new course with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, repositioning the product family and licensing. Meanwhile, Customer Engagement users continued to look toward the future and adapt new ways to get more out of the product.

Looking back at the topics profiled by subject matter experts, the variety of topics is tremendous: AI for Customer Service, shifting on-prem deployments online, using Flow, market trends, healthcare applications, Field Service, omnichannel scenarios and more.

Say hello to the new ones: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Customer Service, Sales, and Market Insights

Microsoft is serious about building its lineup of "Insights" tools alongside traditional business applications and the Power Platform's development, automation, integration, and reporting tools.

Hannes Holst provided a good review of three of these tools, looking at the technology used, the typical business cases, and what these products say about Microsoft's view on the future of work. From the article:

Microsoft designed [Dynamics 365 AI for Sales] with two roles in mind. The first role is the seller (or sales agent), whose job it is to initiate, negotiate, and finalize sales with customers. The goal of this application is to help a seller to analyse the overall communication with the customer (who and when did they talk with the customer, current health score of relationship, etc.), a lead analysis (which lead might have the best chances to generate a sale?), an opportunity analysis, and a list of potential conversation starter.

Upgrading large Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement on-prem deployments to online

Why do some CRM cloud upgrades and migrations succeed while others do not? Microsoft MVP Gustaf Westerlund offered experiences from a successful and ambitious cloud upgrade from Dynamics CRM to D365 to demonstrate what worked for him and his team in a large and complex project. From the article:

I was the solution architect behind an upgrade for a large CRM 2011 system directly to D365CE Online. It had a database of over 300 GB, more than 50 custom entities, some tables containing more 30 million records, more than 10 integrations, and over 100 reports. We started on May 1, 2017 and the organization was up and running in the online version by December 15, 2017. This article will briefly describe some of the takeaways from this project.

A developer's opinion: Microsoft Flow for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement

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