As the End of the Year Approaches, Here's Straight Talk on Imaging Software Decisions
The end of the year brings with it a number of budget-related decisions at many companies. So I thought I'd try to answer the typical questions we get from clients and prospects.
Okay, I have some year-end capital - can I really implement an imaging system this year (and see real benefits in 2010)?
In a word: YES. In fact this could be my shortest article yet. Go forth and spend that money! (However, as a matter of full disclosure, since I'm with a document imaging vendor, you should take my exuberance with a grain of salt.)
Seriously, if you have funds and are looking for a good place to spend them, document imaging as an added investment to your Microsoft Dynamics environment can deliver results almost immediately.
Here are four quick examples:
- Manual invoice handling costs your organization money every day. How many times per day does your staff retrieve an invoice from the filing cabinet? Worse, who puts it back?
- Your supplier missed an item from their delivery. Can you retrieve the packing slip to compare to the invoice and the purchase order?
- If you were audited and had to provide a list of documents that were accessed, with the specifics of when and by whom, could you?
- Disaster Recovery best practice has driven you to place copies of your transaction data off-site, but is that file cabinet backed up?
Okay, I get it. But is there enough time ...
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