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Unlocking Efficiency: How Città Revolutionized Productivity with Test Automation

Discover how Città, New Zealand’s premier homeware and furniture design company, slashed their testing hours by over 90% through innovative test automation.

The Challenge Città faced significant risks with each system update due to their highly integrated environment. Manual testing was labor-intensive and disruptive, prompting the need for a more efficient solution.

The Solution Partnering with TheTestMart, Città automated their test scripts, drastically reducing manual effort and allowing their team to focus on core business activities.

The Results With TheTestMart, Città enjoys faster, smoother upgrades with minimal disruption. Their automated tests ensure business continuity and rapid access to new features, resulting in significant ROI and a more agile approach to IT-driven business decisions.

Read the full case study to see how Città transformed their productivity and set a new standard for efficiency in the retail industry.