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Which Dynamics ISV and Partner Content Resonates Best with Users?

The MSDynamicsWorld team continues to analyze the content consumption trends and habits of people in the Microsoft Dynamics channel—everything from which types of content are consumed the most (white papers vs. videos vs. articles, etc.), to why certain messaging and themes tend to resonate better than others. While some topics are proven winners, we have discovered that certain characteristics predict whether a piece of content will be consumed by prospective buyers.

In this ISV Marketing Succes Series session, join Adam Berezin, MSDW's co-founder and CEO, to learn:

  • Which types of ISV and partner content are being consumed the most by users within each Dynamics product group
  • The evolution of content consumption in the Dynamics channel
  • Our outlook on the future of content preferences

MSDynamicsWorld (MSDW) is the world’s largest independent digital source for news and information in the Microsoft business applications ecosystem, providing its 100,000+ subscribers with original reporting, expert features, branded cont