5 Strategies for Ensuring AP Success in 2021

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AP automation has never been more relevant and necessary than it is right now. Covid-19 showed us the peril of relying on paper and manual-based processes for the delivery, approval and payment of invoices. Far too many companies were left scrambling to adjust and adapt to a remote work environment they were ill prepared for. The benefit of AP automation on an organization’s profitability and productivity, not to mention business continuity, has never been more apparent or needed than it is today.
This year’s report also includes bonus coverage and insights of how AP departments were impacted by, and responded to, Covid-19. We will examine:
- The ‘State of Accounts Payable’ in 2020
- Why remote work impacted some organizations more than others
- How some companies were able to thrive in a difficult environment
- Key performance benchmarks
- Strategies that best-in-class AP departments use to gain an advantage