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What To Expect From A Post Implementation Review of Your Microsoft Dynamics AX Solution

by Jason Weidenbenner
Founder, Real Dynamics,

So the dust has settled on your Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation, and everyone has been able to step back and take a quick breather. Things may seem calm at the surface, but you begin to develop concerns about the number of workarounds people are still employing in critical parts of the business. The loss of productivity from those activities is troubling and it detracts from the intended benefits of the system.

Such issues are common, and that early window of time is an ideal opportunity to leverage the freshness of your team's familiarity with the architecture and accompanying documentation to really kick your new ERP platform into high gear. It is also a great time for IT to re-engage the business and build on the partnership that developed during the initial implementation.

ERP implementations usually unfold in two phases - an initial phase gets the new platform in place, and a subsequent phase tunes the platform so it can take the business to next level. This second phase is where you can see a substantial return on your investment. 

A post-implementation review (PIR) can be an invaluable activity for this all-important second phase, allowing the team to highlight the focal areas, prioritize them, and begin taking action to address them.

Preparing for the PIR

It will be important to gather and organize key project documentation from the initial implementation, including:

  • Business process flows
  • Functional and Technical Architecture of all enterprise systems
  • Customizations list and specifications
  • Requirements & gap fit document
  • Training documents
  • Issues list

Along with existing project documentation, you will want ...

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About Jason Weidenbenner

Jason Weidenbenner is one of the founding members of Real Dynamics. For more than 10 years he has lead successful enterprise data management, business intelligence, and analytics projects using the full or partial Microsoft stack and best-in-class vendor platforms like MicroStrategy and Tableau.  For more information on Real Dynamics services, please contact us at

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Real Dynamics is one of the first Microsoft Dynamics AX IV&Vs (Independent Verification and Validation services provider).   Our goal is to help businesses and their internal IT teams take their Dynamics AX implementation to the next level with independent and unbiased recommendations.  "Where were you before?  I wish we had found you sooner!" - This is something we hear a lot as we uncover opportunities for customers to realize the true potential of their Dynamics AX investments.