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Taking Business Analytics beyond the Golf Course: What it really means to "go mobile" in today's business climate

by Tara Grant
Director of Worldwide Sales, Jet Reports,

It shouldn't come as any shock that the era of running businesses or departments by being chained to a desk is quickly fading. But what you might not see is how the concept of "remote" is expanding beyond the capability of working from a different location than the headquarter office. What you will see is the evolution of "Going Mobile".

Now you might be thinking, what other technical buzzwords can we feed the executive soul to convince them to always demand more technology? But if your stack of smartphones and tablets haven't persuaded you already, let me assure you that ‘Going Mobile' means more than the ability to be "remote". And it means more than eliminating the risk of missing an afternoon tee time.

Imagine having access to all your key performance indicators anywhere and anytime. The information is targeted and formatted for the person who needs it. It's simple enough that all departments can use it. The Production Manager can get on her iPad, open an app, and read her planning stats to ensure the current assembly run is on schedule and profitable. She quickly sees that a small change to the order queue will save about 100 hours in production time and $10,000 in materials. She calls to make the change. Perhaps while waiting for the lunch bill?

See, the demand for how business information is acquired is coming from the same once I think about it; I want it to appear instantly place.  Before, the technological barriers required to obtain metrics on key business objectives were bottlenecked in IT. It was rare to find access to data or analytic tools in the hands of Sales Managers, HR Managers, Controllers, Production Planning Managers, or Customer Service personnel.  ...

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About Tara Grant

Obsessed with taking the company wish list and turning it into hard-hitting strategy. Dedicated her entire career to ridiculously useful reporting and BI solutions. "If you aren't concerned with being in the business of collecting information for a competitive advantage, you aren't really interested in business at all."

More about Tara Grant