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Summit 2016: First Look at Microsoft Dynamics 365, with stories of transformational impact

by Dann Anthony Maurno
Assistant Editor, MSDW

Dynamics 365 signage 

Microsoft promised a first look at Dynamics 365 at today's Dynamic User Group Summit 2016 events, and they sent the person in charge of the Dynamics product direction to make sense of it.

That person is Scott Guthrie, Microsoft executive vice president, Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise, who was introduced by Dynamic Communities CEO Andy Hafer.

Guthrie described that Dynamics 365 brings with it "massive enhancements to core business applications" that will allow "fantastic integration with, for example, Office 365, Azure and data analytics we're pioneering with Cortana create new sources of customer value."

Microsoft has put these new offerings to work at select customers that participated in Dynamics 365's evolution. Guthrie made his case with videos and guest speakers from (among others):

  • Rolls-Royce
  • Marsten's
  • TGI Friday
  • Metro Bank
  • Real Madrid
  • Accuweather
  • Ecolab

From manufacturing through sports and consumer apps, there were few repeated verticals; each appeared delighted, and each credited their use of Microsoft cloud technology, including Dynamics 365 in most cases, to drive "transformational impact."

Among the stories:

  • Real Madrid, which has invested heavily in last few years in digital solutions using Microsoft Azure to host applications and stream video; then using Dynamics 365 and Azure Machine Learning capabilities to to understand fans even better ("fan knowledge"), based on their digital engagement. Each fan generates a customer record, which in turn enables deeper engagement (e.g., targeted sportswear promotions), ...

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About Dann Anthony Maurno

Dann Anthony Maurno is a seasoned business journalist who began his career as International Marketing Manager with Lilly Software, then moved on as a freelancer to write for such prestigious clients as CFO Magazine; Compliance Week;Manufacturing Business Technology; Decision Resources, Inc.; The Economist Intelligence Unit; and corporate clients such as Iron Mountain, Microsoft and SAP. He is the co-author of Thin Air: How Wireless Technology Supports Lean Initiatives(CRC/Productivity Press, 2010).