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The Roots of Microsoft Dynamics GP: Where Have All the Accountants Gone?

by Mark Polino
Director of Client Services, Fastpath, Integrated Business Group

I am a CPA and I implement Microsoft Dynamics GP for a living. There, I said it. I know that doesn't sound like a huge revelation but as Dynamics GP connects to more of the Microsoft stack it seems like we accountants are getting squeezed out by technology folks. Frankly, not every solution is a technology solution. Sometimes those 500 year old accounting ideas still work just fine.

The Dynamics GP space still has plenty of accountants of course; I've warmed more than one Controller's cold little heart by explaining the invoice matching process using T-Accounts. Still, we seem to have fewer accountants around the consulting space each year. As disturbing as that trend is, it feels like more clients are trying to fill the role of accountant with technology, too. I see more and more people in accounting positions who can barely tell a Debit from a Credit, much less develop a solution to new a problem based on an accounting principal. I see whole AP departments without an accounting degree in sight and blank stares when I ask about last month's roll forward analysis on a balance sheet account. This is where so many people get burned by QuickBooks - no matter how much technology you wrap around accounting, you still need to understand the principals.

For fun I've got a real world example or two. We had a client who decided to manage the importing of their own Fixed Assets for a new division. At month end they were behind - no amount of technology was going to get the import done and validated before month end close in three days. The accounting answer they decided on was simple: accrue the depreciation from last month and give the technology people another thirty ...

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About Mark Polino

Mark Polino is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a former Microsoft MVP (2007-2018) for Business Solutions. He is the author or coauthor of 5 books related to Microsoft Dynamics GP.  Mark also maintains the Dynamics GP focused website He speaks and writes regularly about ERP related topics. Mark has been a controller and CFO for a division of a publicly traded company and he has  worked as a consultant implementing ERP solutions. Mark holds additional certifications including Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) , Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). Dynamics Credentialed Professional for Dynamics GP 2015 (Core Install and Core Financials), Xero Certified. He holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Central Florida and an MBA from Rollins College. Mark lives with his family in Florida.

More about Mark Polino