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New survey: 9 in 10 Microsoft Dynamics 365 users would recommend it, but roadblocks remain for some

by Chris Thompson
for Nigel Frank International,

Microsoft Dynamics 365 gets high marks from those who use it, but professionals working for Dynamics end user organizations - 365 or otherwise - face a range of job satisfaction risks. These findings come from the new Dynamics salary survey from Microsoft technology recruiter Nigel Frank International.

Of those user companies that have not upgraded or migrated to Dynamics 365, 62 percent report considering the move, with 39 percent interested in the Enterprise edition and 23 percent in the Business edition.

That leaves 38 percent who report they "Do not intend to upgrade" to Dynamics 365.

Working with Dynamics: End user certification drives professional development

Of course, the Nigel Frank study is a salary survey, and it delved into career trends among Dynamics partners and customers.

Certification is on the rise among end users, with 24 percent of respondents working for an end user reporting to be certified, an increase of 9 percent on last year. This could indicate that end users are investing more in qualified in-house staff, or that their standards are becoming higher.

Of those who were certified, 33 enjoyed a pay raise post-certification. While becoming certified doesn't automatically justify a salary increase, certification can certainly be used as leverage, particularly with certified Dynamics professionals increasingly in demand.

In terms of career development, lack of progression opportunities was cited as the main reason for job dissatisfaction. End user employees are at particular risk for this challenge, given that there is often little room for career development related to their Dynamics expertise. Often these Dynamics professionals find themselves the sole members of their departments.

Dissatisfaction also extends to skills development, as only 39 percent of respondents were happy with in-house training. It ...

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About Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson is a Sunderland, UK-based freelance writer for Nigel Frank International, and for digital and print clients worldwide. He specializes in writing about sports, music and television as well as business.
More about Chris Thompson