A new look for MSDW
As you may have noticed, MSDynamicsWorld.com has undergone a major update. What you can expect as a reader is the updated look and feel you are experiencing right now. The content remains in place – from articles, webcasts, and podcasts to vendor white papers, case studies, solutions, and press releases.
Your credentials have not changed but you will need to log in the first time you visit after the update takes place. As for navigating the new design, hopefully you find it intuitive enough to keep using without any further explanation.
A few of the immediate updates you might notice include:
- A new vendor profile page design
- An updated add-on solution layout
- Better readability on articles and elsewhere
While the site has a new look, there aren't many changes to the information structure or approach. But one reason we are so excited about getting to this point is that it will allow us to move forward more on other site improvements in areas including video, role-based content, and new research tools.
If you do discover any problems or have questions, please submit them here and we will follow up.
As part of our IT-minded community, you surely know that technology change is rarely easy, and this update offered plenty of its own challenges. But we hope you find it a positive step in improving in your experience as a reader.
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