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Microsoft Dynamics ERP Faster to Implement, But Joins SAP, Oracle in Missing Project Deadlines: New Report

by Linda Rosencrance
Contributing Writer, MSDW

If you compare the ERP offerings of SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics, you'll see that each of the big three has both strengths and weaknesses.  If you're the type who needs a clear winner, then maybe you'll get the answer your looking for next year.

When it comes to market share, SAP ranks highest of the three vendors, with more than one-fifth (22%) of total market share, followed by Oracle with 15% of total market share and Microsoft with 10% of total market share, according to data collected by Panorama Consulting Solutions from February 2006 to the present. Panorama collected and analyzed this data in developing its 2012 Clash of the Titans report, an annual independent look at the Tier I ERP solutions.

Tier II solutions (including Infor and Epicor) represent just 16% of the market while Tier III and others represent a commanding 37% of the market, said Eric Kimberling, Panorama's president during a recent webinar to announce the report's findings.

For all the data collected, the report isn't able to provide concrete answers to certain questions like: Is SAP better than Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics, or vice versa? Do Microsoft Dynamics ERP implementations really take less time and money? Does Oracle provide better functionality and business benefits because of its best of breed solution? 

However the report does offer the following findings, most of which Kimberling said are consistent with Panorama's implementation experience with each of these solutions. 

  • SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics all take longer to implement than planned. According to the report, approximately two out of three ERP implementations involving one of these three vendors take longer than expected. Oracle implementations typically ...

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About Linda Rosencrance

Linda Rosencrance is a freelance writer/editor in the Boston area. Rosencrance has over 25 years experience as an reporter/investigative reporter, writing for many newspapers in the metropolitan Boston area. Rosencrance has been writing about information technology for the past 16 years.

She has covered a variety of IT subjects, including Microsoft Dynamics, mobile security issues such as data loss prevention, network management, secure mobile app development, privacy, cloud computing, BI, big data, analytics, HR, CRM, ERP, and enterprise IT.

Rosencrance is the author of six true crime books for Kensington Publishing Corp.