Microsoft Dynamics AX Training: The opportunities and the issues
Many Dynamics AX customers and professionals question the effectiveness of their training. I happen to believe they should.
Microsoft has tried many ways to deliver a more effective training methodology. Unfortunately, it is a problem that Microsoft cannot solve as a universal offering. People have different motivations, different needs and different ways of learning. The solutions need to come from Dynamics AX professionals and the customers themselves.
In this article, I will attempt to identify these different types of training and tie them back to the needs of AX customers.
Different roles require different training
The first thing I believe you must understand is the range of training needs around Dynamics AX. Different types of people need training, and they fall into the following general categories:
- End users. These individuals are usually not trying to be AX experts. They want to be able to do their jobs quickly and efficiently. Training that goes into too much detail may serve to just confuse them. These individuals need training that is specific to their jobs. It is most effective to offer them company-specific information in their training, which I explore in the next section. The most typical training here would be in the form of work instructions.
experts. Sometimes called subject matter expert (SMEs), these individuals
are interested in a much more in-depth knowledge of specific areas of the AX.
They typically will serve as train-the-trainer resources and are the first line
of defense in dealing with issues within their areas of influence. They usually
are involved in development of the work instructions. They should also be very
heavily involved in the AX implementation process. They are interested in a
much ...
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