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How to filter a dynamic date range in Microsoft Dynamics AX

by Evert Bos
Solution Architect, Sikich

Filtering transactions like Purchase orders or Sales orders on a date range is a standard requirement.

I want to see the Purchase/Sales orders that are to be received/shipped today, or in the next x days.

Instead of typing specific calendar dates in our filter (which will certainly work), we would want to enter a date range that adjust itself automatically as time progresses.

Here are two ways of date filtering that work perfectly.

1. Use the letter "T" or "t" for a dynamic "today" filter.

Dynamic date range - T for today forward
First we click on the filter symbol in the left margin of "All Purchase orders" and we "add a filter field". Now we enter the letter "T" or "t" in the "Delivery date" to see all PO's to be received after today.


Dynamic date range - Delivery date

2. Use the command (dayRange(-3,7)) to filter transactions with a delivery date between 3 days before today and 7 days after today. Make sure to use "matches." In the below example, we use the range 10 days before today and 10 days after.

Dynamic date range command 

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About Evert Bos

I am Evert J Bos, ERP consultant since 1986. I started in Europe with IMS7 (A Honeywell Bull Mainframe ERP system) and the BaaN ERP system. Since 1995 I have worked in the USA and since 2004 I have been working with Dynamics AX.  I work for Sikich and focus mostly on manufacturing companies that make complex, engineered products.

More about Evert Bos