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GP Next: 3 Big Areas I Want Microsoft Dynamics GP to Emphasize

by Mark Polino
Director of Client Services, Fastpath, Integrated Business Group


The Microsoft Dynamics GP team has been hard at work adding features to address user requests. GP 2015 is a nice looking release, and the upcoming R2 addresses a number of things were just...well...annoyances. The next big update, due in early 2016, will move the web client from Silverlight to HTML5. And GP 2015's service based architecture provides a great framework for future opportunities.

With all of this cool stuff coming, it seemed like a good time to sit back and ask the broader question. Where does GP need to go in the future? Since that's such a huge question, I boiled it down to three areas - in GP terms, big rocks, although these are really more like boulders. Here are my three, feel free to give me yours in the comments.

1) Mobile.

The world is going mobile fast. An HTML5 client will help with tablet devices like an iPad, but the phone is still the mobile king, even as they grow to tablet size. I'm not suggesting that we need to be able to run a full GP client on an iPhone or the latest Android flagship, but I think that GP needs more discreet apps for things like approvals, expenses, cash status, etc.

But it has to be easy. Right now, connecting the apps is still challenging, primarily around security. I'd love for the GP team to find a simpler way to securely connect apps to GP.

2) Connections.

The world has become a connected place and it's still too hard to connect other services to GP.  GP's new service ...

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About Mark Polino

Mark Polino is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a former Microsoft MVP (2007-2018) for Business Solutions. He is the author or coauthor of 5 books related to Microsoft Dynamics GP.  Mark also maintains the Dynamics GP focused website He speaks and writes regularly about ERP related topics. Mark has been a controller and CFO for a division of a publicly traded company and he has  worked as a consultant implementing ERP solutions. Mark holds additional certifications including Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) , Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). Dynamics Credentialed Professional for Dynamics GP 2015 (Core Install and Core Financials), Xero Certified. He holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Central Florida and an MBA from Rollins College. Mark lives with his family in Florida.

More about Mark Polino