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Five Clear Indications You Must Upgrade Your Microsoft Dynamics GP Application…And Three Ways to Get Started

by Mariano Gomez
Chief Technology Officer, Mekorma

While this article is intended to be funny in nature, there's nothing funny about an outdated Microsoft Dynamics GP application: missing out on the latest technology and reporting capabilities while still feeling the burden of complex processes, bugs, lack of support, and fewer professionals with the expertise in your particular release.

In fact, studies show that putting off software upgrades can end up costing your organization as much as the original implementation itself when you factor in penalties for renewed software maintenance plans, the complex (and sometimes convoluted) upgrade path needed to get you to the most current software release, and the number of support hours that go into rebuilding modified forms, reports, and possible customizations, among other headaches.

So here are 5 indications you need to upgrade:

  1. Your application's About window still reads "Great Plains Software" or "Microsoft Business Solution Great Plains".  If this is the case, chances are you are still running anything below version 8.0.
  2. You still call your menus "palettes". In this day and age of Navigation Bars, Lists, and area pages, I still field questions of people asking about their "palettes" and menus not working. Well, I believe it's time to say it out loud: you need to upgrade!
  3. You still hear the sexy "Welcome to Dynamics" voice when you log in to the application. While cute, there's nothing to laugh about here. This wave file is an indication you are running Dynamics C/S+, or eEnterprise in a version that predates version 6.0. Being this far behind, it will take no less than 4 upgrade cycles to get you current (8 if you include a complete test upgrade).
  4. You still have a gray area in your application background.  Home pages and area pages ...

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About Mariano Gomez
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