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Dynamics Partners: Do your customers understand ERP project success?

by Guus Krabbenborg
Owner of Dynamics and More, Dynamics and More

Organizations around the world make misjudgments, unfortunate choices, and sometimes even stupid mistakes when selecting, contracting, and implementing ERP software systems.

Every single day.

Over and over again.

Unfortunately, the choice of an appropriate solution and the right implementation partner is anything but easy! Executives are asked to make significant investments with the knowledge that these projects carry a high risk of failure. Choices, once made, cannot be easily changed due to the large financial and organizational impact.

For this reason, these projects must go well the first time!

But according to Gartner, still 55 to 75 percent of all ERP projects either fail or don't meet their intended objectives.

Customers are inexperienced

Fact is that most organisations are pretty inexperienced when it comes to selecting, contracting, and implementing ERP systems. After all, most of them only do this every 8 to 10 years. And most professionals carry this responsibility only 1 or 2 times in their career. It is therefore quite logical that they run the riskof overlooking important matters. And underestimating certain topics.

Most Dynamics 365 partners acknowledge privately that the majority of their current and future customers have no idea of the qualitative and quantitative damage that occurs if their implementation unexpectedly fails. Nevertheless, D365 partners start new projects with these kind of customers every day. After all, there are revenue targets that must be met, right?

The result of poor preparation

If your customers are poorly prepared for their ERP projects, this usually leads to (big) problems!

Common problems on the customer side are:

  • exceeding budgets for quality, time and money
  • migrating old processes, habits, and mindsets
  • failing to achieve the desired project goals
  • or even worse: never putting the new system into use
  • and as a result: not realizing their potential

And when your clients experience these outcomes, some of the problems you as a D365 partner can expect include:

  • customers who do not change or cooperate sufficiently
  • unpaid bills, credit invoices and unpaid work
  • frustrated employees and loss of scarce capacity
  • complaints that escalate to legal cases
  • and finally: churn and loss of customers

How to prepare your customers?

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About Guus Krabbenborg

Guus Krabbenborg has been active in the world of business software for more than 30 years. He has held various sales and management positions at Philips, Digital Equipment, DBS Business Solutions and Navision Software successively.

From 2007, Guus was co-founder and partner in Partner Master Class, the Dutch Partner Development Center.

In 2012 Guus was co-founder and co-owner in QBS Group – today known as Companial ( He left the company in 2021. Companial operates as a Value Added Distributor in the Microsoft Dynamics channel with currently over 1.000 partners in 75+ countries all over the world. This makes Companial the largest eco-system in the Dynamics 365 partner channel worldwide.

In 2018, Guus started a new venture, called Dynamics and More. In this company he focuses on helping both Microsoft partners and Microsoft customers in their business transformation and digital transformation processes. He also delivers inspirational Masterclasses for software selection and Organisational Change.

In 2024, Guus started an initiative called ERP Masterclasses ( to help current and future D365 customers prepare them (better) ...

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