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Dynamics GP veteran David Musgrave leaves Microsoft, re-launches private consultancy

by Linda Rosencrance
Contributing Writer, MSDW

After more than 13 years, David Musgrave is leaving his position as Microsoft's Dynamics GP Escalation Engineer in the Asia Pacific region - but not voluntarily.

Musgrave - along with about 18,000 other Microsoft employees - has been let go as part of CEO Satya Nadella's plan to streamline the company.

Since his team has been shrinking over the last few years, Musgrave said he wasn't surprised to hear that support for Asia Pacific for the Microsoft Dynamics GP product was now going to be handled out of the Fargo office and that his role as Escalation Engineer in Asia Pacific was no longer required.

"A few year's ago I wrote an April Fool's Day post which was designed to make people believe I was leaving Microsoft," he said in a blog post. "Well, this time it is true and today is my last day. The Microsoft era of my career, which started on 16th May 2001, finishes today on the 17th October 2014."

But Musgrave, who is well known for his continued support of the popular Support Debugging Tool, said he didn't want anyone to get upset because he knew this would happened some day.

"It just happened a little sooner than I expected, but I was ready for a change," he said. "Development is my first love and I was already thinking about new possibilities. Staying within Microsoft and living in Perth, it was not possible to find a new role related to Microsoft Dynamics GP, so I decided to create my own role outside of Microsoft."

To that end, Musgrave said he is restarting the consulting business he had before joining Microsoft and Winthrop Dexterity Consultants ...

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About Linda Rosencrance

Linda Rosencrance is a freelance writer/editor in the Boston area. Rosencrance has over 25 years experience as an reporter/investigative reporter, writing for many newspapers in the metropolitan Boston area. Rosencrance has been writing about information technology for the past 16 years.

She has covered a variety of IT subjects, including Microsoft Dynamics, mobile security issues such as data loss prevention, network management, secure mobile app development, privacy, cloud computing, BI, big data, analytics, HR, CRM, ERP, and enterprise IT.

Rosencrance is the author of six true crime books for Kensington Publishing Corp.