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Considerations for a Smooth Dynamics 365 Business Central Implementation

by Rajnish Mishra
Technical Content Expert, Dynamics Square

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central implementations typically last three to five months. But have you asked why it takes months and whether the timeline for the project could be different?

Implementations are never a one-size-fits-all process. Each project depends on the user requirements, the existing ERP technology that must be replaced or migrated, your business size, capacity, and the deployment type (cloud or on-premises). 

Challenges You Can Face During a Business Central Implementation

Roof structure

To better estimate the duration of your Business Central project, you must first understand the set of challenges that businesses face in ERP projects. Let’s explore some of the most common challenges and explore ways to decide on some of the decisions that can impact your project. 

Data Migration

If you are using one or more business solutions today that BC will replace, you will need to migrate data. However, during migration, sensitive data might be exposed if security protocols are not robust. Data inconsistencies or missing data issues can occur in the new ERP if migration isn’t well-defined.

Project considerations

Data migration is essential for businesses to ensure successful business operations, but it requires time and effort from your implementation provider and related IT costs for the technical effort like Azure storage. 

Before data migration, you should map your organization’s data and plan to spend time detecting errors and cleansing data. Moving useless data to Azure can require storing more space, resulting in higher costs. Large data sets with diverse data types can require strategic planning and effort. 


Business Central is highly customizable and allows businesses to tailor it according to their unique workflow and requirements. However, customization requires technical and subject matter expertise as well as extra time that can slow down a project.

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About Rajnish Mishra

I am Rajnish Mishra, Technical Content Expert at Dynamics Square. I enjoy crafting content for Microsoft Dynamics 365 that simplifies intricate technical concepts into easy-to-understand, jargon-free material. My goal is to provide readers with comprehensive and up-to-date information about Dynamics 365. 

Feel free to get in touch with us for Business Central Implementation!

More about Rajnish Mishra