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Adding value in the Microsoft Dynamics hiring space: Thoughts on an alternate model

by Don Riggs
Sr. AX Applications Architect, Business Process Improvement, Inc.

In my recent article on headhunters in the Dynamics 365/AX space, I challenged companies involved in providing resources to explain their value-add to the industry. The fragmented services ecosystem and lack of a strong pool of individual consultants has created an opening for opportunists to exploit the job market while providing little value back to either employers or workers. And the problem, I warned, could get worse.

I ended that piece with a challenge to companies involved in the hiring process: justify your value in the market. As I have probed this issue in more detail in recent months, a set of core principles and characteristics have emerged that, thanks to the input provided by one team in the hiring space, I believe provides guidelines that all parties, whether employers, job seekers, or intermediaries, should follow to foster a constructive and growing hiring market in the Dynamics 365 ecosystem.

That is what this article is about!


A long time ago, I had heard about a group in the UK that was registering independent service providers globally.

In discussing a new program being created to cross train MVPs, the conversation turned to how do we get access for independent resources. Many MVPs do not work for partners, which makes access to the resources a bit more difficult. One of the other MVPs recalled that he had seen a Microsoft-recommended resource for independents, which turned out to be the 365 Talent Portal. We registered one of our group and were pleasantly surprised at the differences in their approach.&...

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About Don Riggs

Don Riggs is a well-seasoned veteran with 25+ years of implementation consulting and 13+ years of Microsoft Dynamics AX experience. In his career, he has been involved in anything from helping design ERP systems, developing and marketing ISV solutions, to delivering a number of successful AX ERP implementations. As a regular participant in AXUG, he has delivered many courses and presentations. Don is considered by many to be an AX expert, particularly in the areas of inventory costing, manufacturing, AX project module, and implementation processes. Having attained APICS certification in the early 1980's, Don considerers himself a manufacturing consultant by trade and his love and enthusiasm for the industry has never waned. Always interested in new challenges, his branching out into other areas of the product has allowed him to become very knowledgeable in many areas. 

After a long and successful career, Don would like to share some of his hard won knowledge and experience, thereby giving back to an industry that has been very good to him. MSDynamicsWorld represents a most excellent vehicle to do that.

To learn more about Don and his company Business Process Improvement(BPI) visit their website at

More about Don Riggs