Adding images in the thank you page in Voice of Customer in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement
Microsoft's Voice of the Customer (VoC) application, part of Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, empowers users to create surveys without the need of a third-party product.
Some elements of the experience can be configured in VoC like logos and custom images. The theming layer allow users to edit a survey's look and feel with custom colors and other details using CSS to align with the organization's brand.
In this article, we'll take a look at how to customize a response page and setup a redirection link to the thank you page.
The problem: Customizing a thank you GIF image
One of our retail industry clients had a requirement of adding a "thank you" GIF image and another linked image to their survey thank you page. When clicked, the linked image would take the survey respondent back to the first page of survey. But VoC has no such default customization functionality on its thank you page.
Since it is not possible to meet this requirement using VoC alone, we tricked the program with CSS. Here's what we did:
1. Go to active surveys and click the survey that you want to modify.

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