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4 Steps to Completing a World-Class Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

by David Gumpert
Editor at Large, MSDW

Focused preparation and planning are key for companies planning a source-to-target upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, according to Andrew Jewsbury, Microsoft senior program manager.

In a presentation at Convergence 2014, Jewsbury identified four keys to successfully completing a source-to-target upgrade-an upgrade from AX 4 or AX 2009 R2 (or earlier).

First, though, he noted important differences between a source-to-target upgrade and an upgrade in place (going from a later version of AX than AX 2009 R2). A source-to-target upgrade requires bulk copying of the program, 2,600 target scripts, upgrading into multiple partitions, and fast database synchronization; an upgrade in place from AX 2012 requires only 110 upgrade scripts, upgrading into a single partition, and longer database synchronization.

The four keys for those doing a source-to-target upgrade include the following:

1. Do necessary code upgrade planning. Analysts and technical engineers must understand the  Upgrade Framework, along with Dynamics AX 2012, Jewsbury said. There must be functional specifications for moving/deleting/changing customizations. He suggested that engineers "work with business leaders to implement a code freeze strategy close to the end game." Failure to implement a freeze could mean "You will be running a lot of scripts of 10TB. There will be a cost in money and time." He suggested "always upgrading layer-by-layer" and preparing for the reality that "many forms and reports will be rewritten."

2. Focus on key data upgrade issues. For companies whose data is being merged, "splitting data should be done separately before the upgrade," he said. "Clearly define downtime window requirements." In addition, managers should budget in advance for appropriate hardware and determine how much upgrade script development is required. "Consult with your VARs and ISVs to check if they ...

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