DynamicsCon 2024 Preview: Growing Microsoft Business Apps event heads to Denver

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DynamicsCon 2024 is quickly approaching and attendees of the event, running May 13 to 16, are gearing up for a year of connecting over Dynamics 365 technology, AI, and new directions from Microsoft. The conference heads to Denver, Colorado this year, and MSDW spoke with Dynamics User Group (DUG) team members and event organizers Denise Johnson and Molly Fuchsel about what attendees can expect at this year’s event.
DUG anticipates a 300 percent increase in the number of attendees from 2023, with a projected attendance of 2,000 people. “We are really, really excited about this. We are pleased to offer over 250 sessions throughout three days. We have over 175 speakers [including nearly 40 MVPs], and a minimum of a third of them are brand new to DynamicsCon and haven’t spoken at live or virtual events in the past,” said Johnson. “We’re very excited to see new faces in the community who are coming to share their knowledge with everyone.”
The event is slated to take place at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, an event center with 16 breakout rooms, and room for the planned 75 sponsor tables and over 100 sponsoring organizations. According to Johnson, the team are also planning on increased support from Microsoft for this year’s event.
“We’re just a very welcoming environment. We tend to attract people at all learning levels of the project. Many may be exploring Dynamics or were just hired into a company and learning to use it themselves. Others may be mid-level or seasoned users of the product…. We’re seeing more than ever sessions with a blend of Dynamics and Copilot, with those themes [of apps and AI] merging and bringing more focus on how to use those products together,” Fuchsel explained.
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