How to optimize e-commerce marketing with Magento and Microsoft Dynamics GP
There are many steps involved in creating a successful e-commerce marketing strategy. But when you break it down, there are two key components: Driving web traffic to your online store and optimizing customer experience. Both of these components are important for increasing conversions and growing your brand.
Running an e-commerce business generates large amounts of customer and order data in Magento. By integrating Magento with an ERP like Microsoft Dynamics GP you can automate core functions such as collecting orders or obtaining information about shipping data and boost your performance.
Data points to consider for effective Magento-GP integration
The growth of your e-commerce business will be stunted if you continue to build your marketing strategy around guesswork. Here are some data points to consider for an effective integration between Magento and GP.
1. Source of traffic
Digital marketing methods such as search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are integral part of your e-commerce marketing efforts. Using these techniques you can use keywords and strategic ad placement to drive traffic to your site. You will need to analyze which of your digital marketing efforts and channels are sending you the most qualified leads.
Additionally, you should also measure mobile traffic and determine if the site loads fast enough, visitors can view or search products properly and there are no hurdles in the checkout process. Why? Well, according to eMarketer, mobile traffic was projected to be responsible for a whopping 32 percent increase in sales in 2018 over 2017 numbers!
2. Conversion rate
Conversion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of visitors to a certain product landing page, category page, or a collection of pages by the total number of conversions (or purchases). (Pro-tip: A ...
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