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Microsoft Dynamics Profile: Multi-product pro adds MVP title to his repertoire

by Linda Rosencrance
Contributing Writer, MSDW

In June, Roger Carran, a self-described “devoted family man, lover of seafood and cooking, an automotive and motoring enthusiast, restorer of classic cars and four-wheel drive crazy person” has another title to add to his repertoire – Microsoft MVP.

Carran, who hails from Brisbane, is an application manager at Lockheed Martin Australia Pty Ltd, responsible for the general management and oversight of all the company’s applications in the Asia-Pacific region, ensuring that they’re all being serviced and running properly.

“The interesting part is that it doesn’t involve Dynamics 365,” he says. “I had been doing consulting work for nearly 15 years – the past 10 years was definitely focused around the Microsoft stack and Office 365 when that was released. And in the past few years, I thought why not try and go for an MVP. So someone nominated me and off I went.”

The email cometh

“So I had completely forgotten about all the work I’d done from an MVP perspective because of the big change in jobs,” says Carran. “And I never got an email about becoming an MVP, so I figured I’d better keep going.”

In June, despite a change in jobs that took him away from Dynamics 365/CRM, Carran finally received that email from Microsoft notifying him that he was now a Business Solutions MVP.

Though he has changed jobs and focus somewhat, Curran says he’s still involved in the Dynamics community in Brisbane and plans to continue playing in that space, even if it’s not specifically for customers.

“But obviously when new features and things get released, I’ll [dive] into my tenant and ...

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About Linda Rosencrance

Linda Rosencrance is a freelance writer/editor in the Boston area. Rosencrance has over 25 years experience as an reporter/investigative reporter, writing for many newspapers in the metropolitan Boston area. Rosencrance has been writing about information technology for the past 16 years.

She has covered a variety of IT subjects, including Microsoft Dynamics, mobile security issues such as data loss prevention, network management, secure mobile app development, privacy, cloud computing, BI, big data, analytics, HR, CRM, ERP, and enterprise IT.

Rosencrance is the author of six true crime books for Kensington Publishing Corp.